Thursday, July 5, 2012

God's Sending Angels...on my trip home.

Last week I just returned from a wedding of a dear girlfriend of mine. It felt so sureal to be next to her just days before the big day, and I had never met her fiance. Needless to say, I was a little nervous, but assured by my friend that he was a good man. I concure. The moment I met him and watched his eyes gaze into hers I knew he adored her. We ran around doing errands, but taking the time to soak in the sunshine on her front step and take some moments to let God do some shining too as we gave the day to Him. The rehersal dinner was followed by go karts (which I started out first, and ended up near that happened is beyond me), lazer tag...our team won..go red! I got second place, and another bridesmaid got first. So fun! The day of purple and pink begun, and the wedding day went off without a hitch...okay, they did get hitched, and we did forget the rings and the license at the house, but when all was said and done, they said (and sang) "I do" and became one. I was honored to stand by her and share in it all.

If only my trip home was one of ease and wonder, and full of wonderful surprises. was not...full of was. First of all, I missed my plane. The strange part about that, was I was there in plenty of time to make it. All of the Economy, Domestic, and International were on the same line. I joined them, and then realized there was a kiosk where I could just digitally check in. Out of order. Back to the line...announcement....if you think you might be missing your flight there is a check out...outside. Outside??? I go the desk, "Sorry, maam, missed your flight." 7:30am, back in line...for "special" services. Don't know how special it was, except that it had all of us who missed our flights in it...well I guess we are special aren't we. I knew already this was going to be a long day. At home it was too early to call because of the time change, so I see what would transpire before giving my hubby the details. The lady at the desk checked my bag and gave me my boarding pass (7:49am...flight leaves at 7:59am)...opps, that's right, you missed your flight. Got a few tickets for standby, guaranteed to leave at 1:59p. First standby 10am. Paid for bag, but couldn't get a connecting flight...left with bag, but forgot to get money back.

Thankfully security wasn't a problem, only 5 minutes there, even though you have to nearly strip down before you go through, and drink all your hot coffee in one sip. Now...I wait. Grabbed a hot latte, and a banana for breakfast and when the lines when through to board for the 10am flight I got on! Now, I can call my hubby...wait, I have to turn off all cell phones??? No service on the plane...plane phone not working. Are you kidding me!!!! Anxiously counting the hours that my husband would leave to pick me up as I land in Chicago and he has no idea where I am...and no cell phone (story for another blog about stubborness). Land in Chicago, finally my phone answer. Now I am in a friends, they didn't get my digital texts sent from thousands of miles high. Seriously!?!? I knew by then he was on his way to pick me up around the time I would hope to catch my next flight. Tears came fast now. Who? What? How? I called Seattle airport...they hung up on me...yes, yes they did. Ralph! he lives in Seattle...of course he would help me. He would drive out and tell him that I was not on that plane and keep him and the boys company while they waited. I could finally exhale. I fell into a pile of exhausted emotions at the airport charging my phone at a community tech wall and just prayed, God hold me, this is just too much to handle. God sent me my first angel...Ralph. He assured me he would call as soon as they connected. All I had to do was wait. I just sat there trying not to make eye contact, as I did there were some concerned looks. Then it hit me...look at the departures board...rather, an angel whispered to me...go now! As I did, I realized that there was a sooner flight departed now! In the other gate! I ran without eating lunch as fast as i could and made it on standby. "Ralph, I am on my way home, should be there by 3:30p". I was supposed to be there by 11am, but it was better than the possible 7:30p. He was on his way to the airport to tell my hubby. Back in the service. Had pringles for lunch...hate my allergies sometimes. Met a wonderful elderly couple married for 40 years, they held hands and fell asleep next to me. Just like I want to grow old. 4p. Husband waiting at the top of the escalator...more tears and a huge embrace. It's good to be home. Tried to get money back from bag...$25. No can do...maybe some emails, long wait...fine, just want to get home. OR you could just get a travel voucher. Great! Here it is for $50...thanks to Jim my other angel of the day. God was in every moment. That wasn't easy, but He was there. I would do it all over again, because I am always amazed at how God shows up, even when everything is falling apart. At the end of the day, I was with my man, the one I said to, "I do", and I hugged my boys like it had been weeks since I saw them. Ending my day with an unexpected dinner with friends was the perfect ending to a very long day.

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