Thursday, November 29, 2012

Carefully laid out plans

Last week I just came back from a ladies conference that I spoke at with my friend Taffy, based on the book, "Captivating" by John and Stassi Eldridge. This book, and more importantly, the conference has changed the lives of many women across the globe. So, when Taffy asked me, "Do you want to help me lead a conference?" I had to stop in my tracks and ask myself, "Is God leading me here?" After a few weeks of prayer, God said yes, and I began a journey that would be worth the fight to see the end result. It was not an easy battle. You see, the enemy does not want women to be free from their wounds, and see a glimpse of how God truly see them, or even have the tools to fight off the lies of the enemy. So, me and Taffy were hit hard, by the lies ourself. "You can do this, you are too proud, you are not good enough, you don't know what you are talking about, they aren't going to like you, you aren't even a speaker, this is going to mess up your family, you might lose friends in doing this..." and on and on the lies went. But, we soldered on. God brought us again back to our own journeys, and showed us where we still needed to grow in our faith, and in our relationship. He loved on us, He reminded us of our true character, and how He created us. He healed more wounds, and He prepared us for the weekend that I will never forget. Taffy picked me up at 10am at the airport and we rushed back to her place to finish up loading our "essetials". But, little to our knowledge, she grabbed the wrong computer...with all the media we can carefully and prayerfully planned out. LORD! We need a computer fast! He delivered. As I prayed in each cabin room He started to reveal the hearts of the beautiful women that were soon to arrive. My heart broke, but I was amazed at how He was already preparing me to pray for them. It was a mad scrabble before the first meeting of that day, but by 3:30p Taffy started on her first message, The Heart of a Women. I could see some of the women resistant (I am sure fighting some of the lies we had in the coming weeks). I sensed a desire, so want more, that they were fed up of how things were, and fear of if God was really going to show up, and somewhat of a hopelessness. But, God was there, and all through the weekend He continued to show us, "I've got it". He had us, He had them, He carried us all. As the weekend unfolded, our "perfect plan" was changed, added too, switched around, to become God's perfectly laid out plan. The women opened up, they started to trust, they brought their pain and their tears and their fears to God, and I was overwhelmed by God's power and His blessings. I left that retreat not only in a state of utter amazement for the God of the universe, but also with 15 new strings of friends attached to my heart. As I was driven out to the airport by 2 of my new friends, I didn't want to leave. God brought us close together, and Taffy and I couldn't believe that He brought us through this journey to be blessed beyond our belief.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Are you ready to fight where you are called?

Joshua led the battle of Jericho. Now, if you are like me, growing up in the church, you will be humming that song before you even begin to read this. For those of you who did not, or maybe your church omitted this catchy tune, let me enlighten you. "Joshua let the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Joshua let the battle of Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down!" There is so much in these passages, and I am finding myself more excited as I read on to the next chapter, even though I know how the story ends, or maybe because I do know how the story ends. I am facinated at the amount of redemption, even before they are ready to go out and fight. As I am have been preparing to speak at Captivating-I will not Be Moved conference, I have been asking God to lead me, in prayer, in decisions about the details, in guidance in the messages, and how to pray for the women who will be coming to open up their hearts to healing and a closer beautiful relationship to Him. Just yesterday I asked where I should be reading His word. I never know where to start, and I know His Word, but most often I know a paraphrase, or the scripture without the reference. So, this week I was happy to find God leading me to Joshua. His redemption is amazing. He blesses Joshua as the new leader, where the people will follow as they did Moses (even amidst their sin) He brings provision to the army, by providing them with a safe place in Rahab's place while they spy out the land, he gives them fresh produce from the land before He removes the mana. Rahab was given a second chance at life, and later in the scriptures she was called one who follows after God. She knew her redemption, and she turned her life around and praised the one who saved her. Often when I am facing a battle, I don't believe I am strong enough, but I forget that I don't have to be, because the one who gives me strength will also give me wings like an eagle to soar above the war zone. He will keep me safe, and He will armor me for anything that I have to face. I once heard from Beth Moore, a favorite author of mine, "If God isn't going to get you over this mountain, He's going to find you a way to get through it!" So, where are you packing your sticks of dynamite. If they are in God's hands, you have nothing to worry about.